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A human baby learns most things from his/her mother, which reflects imitation in most habits. Then what about parrot’s imitation skill of human speech, facial expressions of Apes or protecting power of dogs? aren’t they intelligent? Here the list of 10 most intelligent animals in the world.


With dogs intelligence can vary depending on the breed. Generally speaking however dogs can be taught new skills and respond to human training. Breeds such as Labradors, Border Collies and Poodles are naturally curious about their environment and are capable of noticing the smallest of changes.


Open the three most intelligent animals dolphins. Unique residents of the underwater world for a long time engaged in the education of their offspring. They prefer to live in flocks and are accustomed to collective work. Dolphins are able to imitate the actions of humans and other animals. These huge fish are not averse to show off in front of the mirror, which recognize their image. They are easily trainable, and tend to be creative in performing stunts. With beep animals are spoken to each other even at a great distance. As they whistle with incredible accuracy determine their relatives. The ability of dolphins to imitate basic human words, the chirping of birds and other sounds simply amazing. It is proved that the number of convolutions in the brain of this animal is twice the number in humans. Surprisingly, the dolphin is awake all the time: the two hemispheres alternately come back. Thus, it never sleeps.


The elephant brain is very heavy. It weighs in at about 5 kilos or more. Other large mammals, such as rhinos and hippos don’t have that kind of brain size. Scientific research has proven that elephants have the ability to use different objects in creative ways without being taught firsthand. They have been known to clean their food and use tools in various ways in the wild, and they can also follow human commands in captivity.

Gorillas & Chimpanzees
Gorillas & Chimpanzees

Topping the list of the most intelligent animals apes, particularly chimpanzees. Nature has endowed primates large, complex brain, similar to the human. They freely communicate with like-minded individuals and have certain language skills. Chimpanzees can use a variety of tools for food production: the stones to break the coconut fruit, sticks to extract termites and so on. They can also make themselves elementary spears for hunting. This animal is able to recognize her reflection in the mirror. According to intelligence apes sometimes exceeds three-year child. But in spite of his advanced intelligence, capabilities monkey still never be compared with human abilities.


As far as invertebrates go, octopuses are the most intelligent of the lot. Highly skilled at hunting and finding food they are capable of developing strategies and skills to find their prey. They have also proved they can solve tasks.


Parrots are widely recognised as the smartest birds. They can do many wonderful things with their stunning beaks. According to recent study, the Cacadu Parrots have 90% accurate bird’s skills. A Parrot can mimic human words, understand the meanings, can remember many words and make sentences.


It opens the top ten most intelligent animals in the world of pigeons. These birds are able to recognize their image in the mirror, remember people, places, and events. The fact that in ancient times it was used pigeons as postmen, indicates the presence of high intelligence.


According to some research a middle aged pig has the same level of intelligence as a three-year-old human being. They are able to adapt to environmental change and learn new skills.


Rat is a highly intelligent yet much-maligned animal in Western cultures. Widely used in research, the lab rat has been known to find shortcuts, loopholes and escape routes in the laboratory experiments designed by the top scientific minds of our time.


British scientists and researchers stated that sheep have an incredible kind of instinctive ability and intelligence beyond your imaginations. If threatened, they make large groups and run away together from predators. Sheeps can remember and identify animal faces and also human faces.

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