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It's no surprise that many who are interested in adopting a pet bird want to make sure that the one they get is friendly, gentle, and well-suited to being a companion pet. These traits are even more important for those who have little or no experience caring for pet birds -- it's easier to bond with and care for an animal who is friendly and affectionate than one who is frightful and aggressive. While it's almost a guarantee that all bird owners will sustain a bite here and there, it is possible to minimize the risk by choosing a species known for having a gentle and sociable demeanor. Check out the species listed below to learn more about the types of pet birds that have a reputation for being some of the most loving and friendly companions around.

01 Budgies

There are more budgies in the world than any other type of pet bird. People have loved them from the moment the Australian budgerigar was first introduced into European bird collections in the 1840s. And if there’s one thing that’s propelled them to the top slot, it’s sheer personality. They’re small but full of character, cramming all the charisma of a parrot into a package not much bigger than a canary.
Equally important from an owner’s point of view, budgies are relatively easy to keep. As long as you look after the basics – regular feeding, weekly cleaning and affectionate attention to the basic needs of this intelligent, sociable animal – your budgies will practically look after themselves.

 02 Cockatiels

With their vibrant colors, Mohawk-like hair and cheeky personalities, cockatiels can certainly make wonderful pets — but do you know enough about this bird breed to take one home and care for it? Despite their small stature, these birds require a lot of attention and maintenance, so it’s important to do your research before bringing home a cockatiel of your own.
Cockatiels are native to the semi-arid regions of Australia, preferring open environments, where they can forage on the ground, to dense rainforests other birds (like parrots) prefer, according to Birdlife, Australia’s largest bird conservation organization. 
The cockatiel’s popularity should come as no surprise, as they’ve actually been domesticated for years. “The trend in the parrot industry has gone from larger birds to smaller birds,”DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Avian Practice) of the Veterinary Center for Birds & Exotics. Because of their smaller size—and quieter demeanor—cockatiels can often be boarded with more ease than other birds, potentially making them more appealing to pet parents with an interest in travel.

 03 Cockatoos

Cockatoos are the loudest of all parrots. They screech and even scream to communicate with each other. In the wild, cockatoos live in the rainforests of Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea and other nearby islands.
Cockatoos are popular pets. They are smart, curious and funny. But before you get a cockatoo for a pet, you need to know a few things. First, they live a long time – from 50 to 80 years. Can you take care of a pet for that long? Cockatoos need a lot of attention or they become unhappy. Plan to play with your cockatoo every day. Finally, cockatoos need a large cage and plenty of toys.

 04 Hyacinth Macaws
Hyacinth Macaws
[image source plus.google.com]

The hyacinth macaw is possibly the most stunning of the macaw family, and is certainly the largest. It is the largest of all parrots. Originally from Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia, the hyacinth is the “Great Dane” of companion birds, with the mature male reaching over 40 inches in length. Very few people actually have a hyacinth macaw as a companion, and will probably only have the pleasure of seeing one in a zoo or a larger bird shop. Despite its size, penchant for destruction, loudness and expense, this blue macaw is the penultimate companion bird for the person who has the time, patience and wallet to properly keep this beautiful beast. 
The hyacinth macaw is a stunning cobalt color all over its body, with a ring of bright yellow around its eye and the same color yellow at the base and the corners of its beak. It is often referred to simply as a “blue macaw.” The hyacinth is not twice as large as other large macaws, though its big personality makes other macaws seem like dwarves in its presence.

 05 Parrotlets
[image source busybird.com]

Most people consider Parrotlets to be miniature Amazons. That is because their personality, character and nature is closest to their larger cousins. They are bold, confident, playful, clownish, fearless and determined, all wrapped up in a tiny green bundle of feathers. Also known as "pocket parrots," these small birds are true parrots in every sense of the word. They are easy and inexpensive to maintain due to their small size and are nowhere as destructive as most larger birds. They are incapable of screaming, and can be even kept in a small apartment without fear of complaints from the neighbors.
Parrotlets share much of the same regions with large parrots such as Macaws, Amazons, Conures, and Pionus. Their range spreads from the arid tropical zone of western Mexico, along the west coast just below Baja, California to the southernmost parts of Brazil and from the east to west coasts of South America. They inhabit Trinidad and have been introduced to the Netherlands Antilles and the West Indies. In the wild, Parrotlets feed on blossoms, seed heads, fruits and berries.

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