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Keeping your pet entertained doesn’t have to be expensive. What can be expensive however is the damage your dog can do to your property inside and out if left to their own devices all day while you are out working. Also equally important is to keep your dog busy which can help in preventing your dog from escaping. Some dogs will need more stimulation than others so we have hunted out some of the best ways to keep your dog occupied.

Turn The TV Or Radio On
The background noise – ideally a mix of visuals, voices, and music – will have your pup eagerly listening and considering the different sounds they can hear. Television and radio stations offer a good amount of show variety so that something will pique their interest often.
The background noise can also be relaxing for them and help to relieve the anxiety they might feel from being left alone. If you like, you can leave some music playing that your pup enjoys or that you know soothes them.

Teach Your Dog to “Go Find” Their Toys
Once your dog knows the names of some of their toys teach them the “go find it” game. Have your dogs toys in a pile or container and tell them to “go find” their favorite toy. As your dog gets better at this game you can make it more challenging by increasing the number of toys they have have to sift through. Keep it fun for them by rewarding them handsomely with a treat or quick game of tug when they succeed. This game will give your dog a great mental workout.

Get your dog a furry brother or sister
Adopting or rescuing another dog as a companion to your furry friend helps both animals. You give your existing animal someone to socialize with during the day and you save a life. This is entirely a personal choice on your part, but you need to ensure that any new animal coming into your home is healthy, has been vaccinated and vetted, and gets along with your dog. Reputable rescues will often allow you to foster first, and then adopt the dog of your choice to make sure the animal fits well with your family.

Teach Your Dog to Clean Up His Toys
If your dog’s toys are kept in a container you can teach them to put their toys away. I know it sounds weird to teach your dog to clean up after themselves, but it’s actually a lot of fun. Teaching your dog new skills boosts their confidence, and it’s a great way to give them more mental stimulation.
If your dog already knows “drop it” have them pick up a toy and give them their drop it command once they’re standing over the container. Praise them like crazy, then rinse and repeat. Eventually with consistency you’ll have a dog that will be able to clean up after himself.

Enroll you Dog in Doggy Daycare
 If your dog is well-socialized and enjoys the company of other pets, send her off to doggy daycare while you’re working. Reputable pet care facilities employ staff trained in ways to keep your pup safe and active. Find one in your area that fits your schedule and schedule a tour and an interview with management and staff. Make sure you get references and recommendations from pet owners that use the facility before you leave your precious companion for the day.

Make Ice Treats
Grab a medium-sized container – an ice-cream one will do fine – and place some of your dog’s favourite snacks in it. Then, fill it with water and allow it to freeze. Make sure to check in as it is freezing to ensure the snacks are well-spaced. Once solid, leave it for your pup to enjoy. They will spend ages trying to lick through it! Be sure you are prepared to deal with wet floors, though.

Buy Your Dog a New Toy, Make One, or Rotate Them
Studies have found that dogs get bored with their old toys. You can either buy your dog a new toy to get their enthusiasm going or you can rotate their toys. Instead of giving your dog access to all of their toys all the time give them a couple. If you rotate one of their old toys back into the mix after awhile they’ll have some of that original enthusiasm back.
You can always make their toys more exciting by ensuring you’re engaging with them by playing fetch or tug. Toys take on a whole new value once you get involved and start playing with it as well. There’s also a ton of DIY toys you can make from household items such as old t shirts, towels, and denim.

Allow a Nice View to Keep Your Pet Busy Outside
Pets love watching things that happen outside. So, you can allow your pets to wander around the yard, and keep them busy in the backyard. But then, ensure that your pet is safe.

Teach Your Dog to Turn On/Off Lights
This can come in quite handy when it’s getting late and you find yourself needing some more light and you’re feeling a bit lazy. Instead of having to get up and turn on the light have your dog do it for you. To start with this trick a touch stick or good “touch” it command are handy. If you have a small dog you might have to improvise to make it possible for your dog to reach the light switch. Don’t attempt this trick if the occasional scratch mark on your wall will bother you.

Possibly оnе оf thе easiest solutions tо thiѕ problem iѕ tо increase thе amount оf exercise уоur dog gets, еѕресiаllу bеfоrе уоu leave.
Thе common underlying саuѕе оf whу dogs hаvе destructive behavior problems iѕ thаt thеу hаvеn’t spent thе amount оf energy thеу hаvе еасh day. Thе mоrе уоur dog iѕ uѕing their energy in acceptable wауѕ ѕuсh аѕ thrоugh exercise аnd training, thе lеѕѕ chance they’re gоing tо bесоmе destructive whеn уоu’re gone.
Animal Behavior College’s curriculum states thаt “every dog’s exercise nееdѕ will bе different,” adding thаt оnе 20-minute walk daily iѕ рrоbаblу еnоugh fоr mоѕt breeds еxсерt working dogs, whо mау require twо 20-minute walks. Thе college adds, “Many owners whо tаkе thеir dogs fоr a long, brisk walk firѕt thing in thе morning notice a significant decrease in thеir dog’s destructive habits.”

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