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Don't have space for a big pet? Don't worry. There are still plenty of friendly palm-sized options your child will love.

When you're looking to add a pet to your family, there are many options to choose from other than cats and dogs. Plenty of cuddly and furry pets are more compact, easier to care for, affordable, and don't require as much attention. Small pets are good options for children older than 5 because they can be a great way to teach responsibility, says Dr. Jennifer Graham, assistant professor at Tufts University's Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. To decide which small animal might work as a family pet, you should do as much research as you would when choosing a larger pet. Some of the most popular small pets, such as hamsters and guinea pigs, might look similar but are very different in terms of their needs and how they interact with kids. But if you're looking for small pets that require less interaction and are just fun to watch, a gerbil or even a chinchilla might be right for your family. When deciding on a small pet for your family, consider these six options -- some traditional and some unusual -- and before you welcome the right pet into your home, keep in mind that each one has unique needs and characteristics.

Chinchillas are a more exotic option for kids who want to watch what their pet does rather than have direct interaction with it. Although they're gentle, chinchillas can be very agile and quick and may not be appropriate for young children who aren't able to handle them.They need a diet of chinchilla pellets and hay, with vegetables as a treat. Unlike their small-pet counterparts, chinchillas should be provided with a dust bath instead of a water bath. Buy chinchilla dust (specially formulated to mimic the dust in their native habitat) and place it in a sturdy bowl or deep dish, or purchase a dust house. A chinchilla needs a dust bath two to three times a week, given outside of its cage; the cage should be multilevel so it can climb up and down. With a lifespan of around 12 to 15 years, chinchillas tend to live much longer than guinea pigs and other rodents.

The Gerbil is a very small type of rodent that are typically kept as pets. They are very active mainly at night. They can vary in color and have a very thick coat that keeps them warm. They are gentle creatures but have been known to bite when they feel threatened. They can be up to 12 inches long, with half of that being their thin tail."They're fine for kids who don't want to be that involved." Unlike hamsters and guinea pigs, gerbils have a relatively short lifespan -- about two years. It's easy to feed gerbils because they have a standard diet similar to that of rats and hamsters: rodent pellets and food blocks, along with some supplemental seed mixes. Gerbils are not usually aggressive, so they can also be held, but they are very fast, so it won't be easy to hold them for long. This quickness means a lot of activity in the cage, which could pique your child's curiosity.

 3.Guinea Pigs
Guinea Pigs
Guinea Pigs are perfect for children of all ages because not only are they small, they don’t need that much maintenance, and they can even live up to 7 years in captivity. Their droppings are small and easy to remove, so you don’t have to worry that much about maintenance to begin with. 
If you have a child between 5-12, this may be one of the best pets you can choose. Moreover, it’s important to note that getting a Guinea Pig is inexpensive.
Consider getting another guinea pig as a companion, however, so the pet won't get lonely. Guinea pigs have a longer life span -- around five to seven years -- than hamsters do, and they require more time and effort because of their bigger appetite for lots of hay and vegetables. This bigger appetite can make guinea pigs messier than other small mammals, so you might have to clean their cage more frequently as well.

There are a number of important factors that you should consider when deciding if a hamster is the right pet for your child and your family. There are a number of varieties of hamsters and they tend to vary in characteristics and look, based on the variety. While all hamsters have around the same lifespan and require very similar care, be sure to choose the hamster that is the best fit for your child.
A hamster will typically live for about three years, so consider how much your child will want to interact with it: If you think she will lose interest in caring for the hamster, these years might seem long, but they could also seem too short if the pet dies, giving your child her first exposure to death. Unless your child has experienced the loss of a family member or friend, the experience will undoubtedly be upsetting, though it can also provide the opportunity for an important life lesson.It can be sad but also a way to introduce the idea that everything dies,You can be there as your child goes through the experience.

Some rabbit breeds are a lot more difficult to befriend and gain the trust of than others. Whilst the giant breeds are gorgeous and usually very friendly, their long bodies make them susceptible to injury, meaning that they are not ideal pets for children.
These popular pets are good for young children as long as there is also adult supervision. Like guinea pigs, rabbits are good for younger kids because they usually have a very gentle and sociable nature. While larger breeds can be especially gentle.This is especially important if you want to keep more than one rabbit in the same space. A rabbit can live from 8 to 12 years, can be litter-trained, and is easy to care for.A proper diet is very important to ensure the animal's health and happiness: grass hay, rabbit pellets, and vegetables.


Rats are amazing animals. They are affectionate, loyal, inquisitive and interactive. Treat your rat with love and care and you will find your rats individual personality coming out. Your child will be able to form a very close bond with his or her pet rat.They make ideal pets if you want your child to develop a strong bond with a pet, because they are interactive and able to learn tricks, such as retrieving objects and navigating mazes or obstacle courses. Since rats enjoy interacting with people and things, providing a number of toys and accessories, from ropes to paper-towel rolls, will keep them happy and occupied. Rats are also easy to care for and require a standard rodent diet of food blocks. However, like gerbils, rats have a short lifespan ranging from two to three years.

Thanks and don't forget to share :)


  1. I've only had one gerbil that didn't live past 2 years and he suffered with some kind of neurosis - his poor breeding, for the pet shop, led me to rescuing rodents! Most gerbils I've owned have lived to about six but I'd put their lifespan at at least 4 years if kept well and they have no genetic issues. My current gerbil will reach 4 later this year although he was a runt and has always had a hole in his ear. Again, I don't think much to his and his brother's breeder!

    Also, although definitely crepuscular (like dwarf hammies) they are much more lively more often throughout the daytime and evening too compared to hamsters. Hope that helps :)


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